




Traditional vs. modern - alternatives to conventional real estate portals

Finding a suitable property in the 21st century is easier than ever before.

Verfasst von
Remo Stahl
Veröffentlicht am
23 Sep 2024

Traditional vs. modern - alternatives to conventional real estate portals

Office space is often a sought-after commodity and is widely offered and advertised in web space. With just a few clicks, anyone can now view a large number of different offers and make virtual contact with the landlord if they are interested in a shared office.


Nevertheless, it often happens that curiosity is greater than actual interest and the first contact promises more than it can ultimately deliver. For those who want to rent out their office, searching for real estate online also brings with it major obstacles that stand in the way of a flexible office solution. Find out here what differences many alternatives to traditional real estate portals make and how you can use them to your own advantage.



The advantages and disadvantages of real estate portals

If you are looking for a shared office or open space offices, you can choose from an impressive range of different real estate portals. Companies in particular that want to rent out their own space can benefit from numerous advantages and even advertise a free desk professionally.


Immowelt & Co. have an extensive selection of different properties that are offered either for sale or for rent. Companies can rent out their office here or advertise an individual office and make it available for freelancers, start-ups or smaller companies.


Nevertheless, it does not seem common for self-employed people to look to large real estate portals to find a solution for their situation. Even companies that want to share their office space with like-minded people often encounter major problems when looking for flexible office solutions:



Many real estate portals require their members to use a monthly subscription that allows them to access various features. These are essential for successfully renting a property and can only be activated in exchange for membership as a premium user. In light of this, few freelancers and prospective companies are found on these portals, as public marketplaces, such as Facebook, are a far more cost-saving option and allow for better office organization.


Low demand in the "office" category

Even though these internet portals are exclusively about real estate, offices and shared offices are not sufficiently represented. The dominance of advertisements for houses, apartments or vacation homes is very common and does not leave much room for decision for searchers. As a result, it is more difficult for companies to offer their flexible office solution here, as supply and demand are not matched.


Difficulty finding suitable subtenants

While the increasing shortage of office space is creating high demand, it is not always easy to create a suitable subletting relationship with potential tenants. Differing ideas about a project can make the idea of shared workspace less relevant. It is important to find suitable candidates who are eligible for the shared office space and fit in with the company's image.


Curiosity outweighs interest

Many providers who advertise a property or a vacant individual office receive a large number of inquiries after the first hour. The anticipation is great, but often does not last long, as many inquiries only reflect temporary curiosity rather than genuine interest. In reality, around 5% of all inquiries come from people who are genuinely interested in flexible office concepts, which keeps the closing rate for a merger low.


Lack of flexibility

The majority of companies renting an office and looking for suitable subtenants for a shared office have various reasons for short-term lettings. It may be that an employee has gone on vacation at short notice or that part of the workforce has switched to working from home. Companies are often looking for flexible options for short-term lettings. Large real estate portals are often unsuitable for this.



Why alternatives like maison.work are the future

In view of the challenges of traditional real estate portals described above, the question arises: “What can alternatives offer that other web spaces do not?”

maison.work is designed to give more focus to the search for suitable subtenants. As a marketplace for commercial real estate, maison.work brings providers and seekers together to find the perfect match for modern office communities. Companies can advertise their vacant office space and desks and offer flexible office solutions. Thanks to the platform, only people who are genuinely interested in coworking and renting or leasing offices will find each other here, which increases the success rate of the search.



Flexibility and community

The platform makes it possible to rent or let offices flexibly and cost-effectively. Companies and freelancers can conclude short-term and flexible rental agreements that perfectly suit their needs. This promotes an adaptive and modern way of working that drives growth and development.



A flexible future with maison.work

We live in a time when more and more professionals are looking for an adaptive and modern way of working and new, innovative opportunities. Alternatives such as maison.work contribute to a progressive change that promotes equal opportunities, growth and development.


Are you curious? Visit maison.work and discover the best way to find coworking spaces and shared offices. Advertise your vacant office space and connect with suitable tenants. We look forward to meeting you!

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